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Blog: Blog2
1 min read
Podcast 110 - Resus Tempo w/ Keith Velaski
I am thrilled to finally get my friend and colleague, Keith Velaski (@kvelaski), on the podcast. Keith was my preceptor at LifeLink III...
Sam Ireland
7 min read
Brain Bleeds and Heart Blocks
A patient falls off of a ladder from a significant height. You arrive on the scene to find that they landed on their back, on concrete. A...
1 min read
Podcast 109 - Productivity Hacks
We all want to feel more productive! Perhaps you want to write a blog or even learn a new skill, but it feels like there is not enough...
Jared Patterson
11 min read
Kombatting Hyperkalemia
Back in 2012, there were two times that hyperkalemia caught me with my pants down. Between the two, I had the pleasure of feeling pretty...
Jake Good
3 min read
Podcast 108 - TBI+MultiSysTrauma w/ Jake Good
You are dispatched for a report of a motorcycle vs vehicle. As you arrive on scene, you note two teenage patients ejected 50-75 feet from...
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