With 200+ hours of on-demand, and live classes five days a week, you'll be able to meet all of the requirements for your NREMT, State license, CFRN, and now FP-C and CCP-C as well (meets ISBC requirements for renewal).
All of your certificates from classes you take through us are managed inside of our learning management software called, Studio.
You can store your certifications inside Studio as well!
Studio allows individual users and services to manage credentials with automated reminders!
✅ 200+ Hours of on-demand Content
✅ Live Classes All Week
✅ CAPCE Accredited
✅ IBSC FP-C/CCP-C Refresher
✅ Manage Certifications and Certificates


We focus on creativity in our classes so that you're not stuck watching another boring PowerPoint presentation with bullet points.
We use illustration, experiments, live models, interviews, and other methods to drive home practical learning points that are not only evidence-based but interesting as well!
Gallery and Admin Features

Fully Accredited
CAPCE and IBSC accreditation for EMS, as well as ENA accreditation for nursing!
Fully Automated
CAPCE will allow you to import to the NREMT with real-time reporting.
Fully Appreciated
See what others are saying!
What are people saying about the course?
Darren Figgis
Just want to say a HUGE "Thank-you" for the amazing airway and respiratory content as part of the F3 F5 Refresher. You guys have broken down so many essential steps into easily digestible nuggets of information, that have really stuck with me. Despite being a paramedic for 20 years (this year) I have never been taught in a way that's as stimulating, and is changing my practice at the same time.
Thanks so much! FOAMFrat Rocks!
Logan Mercer
I just subscribed a few days ago and have just now started the first few lessons. It is MUCH more engaging than the usual CE material I am accustomed to and I am actually excited to get on and following through the program. Keep up the great work!! Looking forward to the live review!
Zachary Warren
You guys are hilarious, I’m working thorough some modules today. With that being said, this is the best refresher by far I’ve had. Easy to follow along, great tips and some things I’ve never seen before that make a lot of sense!
Daniel Troyer
Foamfrat has transformed the way I see con ed. I signed up because I needed additional hours for my National Registry recert, but it wasn't long until I found myself coming back not just for the hours, but for the valuable content. As a science major, I love the emphasis on physiology and on the underlying "why" of treatments. The live sessions are engaging, and the breadth of the prerecorded content means there's something there for everyone. Whether you're wanting a better understanding of acid-base disorders or ventilator management, or you just need a refresher on the basics, Foamfrat will help you maximize your potential as a medic. It's been worth every dime.
Kelly Kohler
I love FOAMfrat! Tyler and Sam are fantastic educators that make topics come alive. I don't even need any more CME's but I still do the live classes to keep the topics fresh. I also use the asynchronous learning when I want to brush up on a topic before I have to teach. I highly recommend these classes.
Katherine Kaufmann
I love your content. I don’t understand why they never discussed subjects in this way in medic school. Your content puts other continuing ed to shame. I especially appreciate the subjects on airway management. One company I work for has discussed losing intubation as a skill due to poor success rates. The other company has taken away DL and is now VL only due to poor success rates with DL. I think if they did airway education like foam frat, they may have better results.
We hope to see you inside Studio!
I am completing the FOAMfrat FP-C / CCP-C Review Course and see that it has an hour total that exceeds to 16-Hour IBSC requirement. Why is that the case and can I still use the hours?We did not think the importance of each of the IBSC required learning points would be covered in only 16 hours, so we spread them out over more classes (you need a total of 100 anyway). Each of the courses you take will be a CAPCE accredited course by itself, so the hours are individually valuable as well. Once you complete all of the courses in our IBSC section (located in your profile), you will gain an IBSC-specific certification that you can submit to the IBSC for full credit towards your FP-C and/or CCP-C. https://www.ibscertifications.org/recert/recert-requirements The CFRN can also use our course for recertification. CFRN does not require a specific review course, so the credit gained from each individual course in Studio can be used towards recertification. We accredit these hours through our ENA accreditation (Emergency Nurses Association accreditation). Our ENA accreditation will also allow you to apply our classes to any state license and certification that accepts ENA credits as well.
I am preparing to recertify my National Registry - Paramedic and my IBSC Board Certification, can I use the hours completed during the review course for both?Absolutely! Your CAPCE accredited course will be uploaded to your NREMT portal by CAPCE (just click the 'import CAPCE' button).
What is FOAMfrat?Free Open Access Medical education For Resuscitation And Training. With medicine evolving on a daily basis, it is important that providers stay up-to-date. With this mindset, free open access medical education (FOAMed) was born. The FOAMfrat team is made up of clinicians from around the world who strive to cut down the knowledge-translation window by utilizing creative and engaging content.
If the "F" stands for free, why are you selling a product?FOAMfrat started off and is still a free blog and podcast for pre-hospital clinicians. We found providers enjoyed the FOAMfrat style of content delivery, and listening to podcasts on their daily commute became routine. What if clinicians could get credit for the content they chose to listen to? It is with this framing that we built our fully accredited EMS Library. The cost of the refresher helps FOAMfrat support the maintenance of our learning management system, assure proper accreditation, and routinely updating content.
Does FOAMfrat communicate with the NREMT?Yes, through our CAPCE accreditation. Your courses are automatically uploaded to NREMT via CAPCE.
I've failed the NREMT three times - can I use this course as my refresher?Absolutely. The classes break down difficult topics very well, and you will have a much better understanding of concepts you need to pass your NREMT.
Does FOAMfrat communicate with my state?Currently, we upload to the Virginia EMS Portal. For a complete list of courses approved by the Virginia Office of EMS, click the link below. http://foamfrat.com/va-ceus We will also be uploading to CE Broker soon. There is currently no universal system for automatic uploading to each state. This means you will have to keep track of the certificates you earn (which we make easy in our Studio platform). When a system like this does become available, we will do our best to ease the process for everyone.
How long do I get access to the content?Your membership is 1 year in length.
How many hours are in the library?The number of hours is always increasing, since we write and record new content every month. We have 100+ hours of content in our recorded library, and cycle through 100+ live classes as well. The recorded hours alone are enough to satisfy your NREMT, State, and IBSC needs. All certificates communicate with NREMT and allow ease of transfer after completion. Students maintain access to all the above for one year from the day of purchase. All hours are awarded via Commission on Accreditation for Pre-Hospital Continuing Education (CAPCE) for EMS providers as well as the ENA and KBN for nursing providers.
Why should I choose your course?We focus on creativity and practicality. We want the you to be entertained, and then realize that you didn't waste your time on something you're not even sure how to apply to your practice. We don't do any death by powerpoint, and instead focus on illustration, understanding, and application.
How long does it take to arrive?You should receive your card(s) in 2-5 business days.
What are the vent settings based on?The vent settings on the Vent Card are based on basic ARDSNET settings, as well as some well founded formulas for acidosis correction such as the Winter's formula and the CO2 correction formula.
Do these settings replace my protocols / guidlines?No. Always follow your local guidelines / protocols. We hope that these settings are mostly in line with what you're already doing, and simply ease the task for you.
Set it and forget it?Ventilator settings are highly dynamic. No reference can give you settings for a ventilator that you can simply 'set and forget'. You'll note that the card reminds you at several spots that, for example, that respiratory rates are all approximate. This is because patient effort, pH, respiratory compensation, neurogenic disorders, etc., may cause you to program the frequency differently than the Vent Card directs. The same goes for the PEEP and FiO2 chart, in which you may in many cases adjust these independently of one another. References are a starting point, and then you must use feedback from your patient to make adjustments. To use this card effectively, you should have a solid understanding of mechanical ventilation, and the pressures, volumes, frequency, and flow parameters that dictate adjustment of settings. These Vent Cards will help you make those adjustments much easier, but this card is not going to teach you critical thinking - that part can't be contained on a card.
I heard some people say they got stickers...True. We do throw in a FOAMfrat sticker with your Vent Card(s).
How long does it take to arrive?You should receive your card(s) in 2-5 business days.
What are the lab values based on?The lab values on the Lab Card are based on standard lab values and references ranges. However, check with your institution, as there is bound to be some variability (labs must undergo their own internal validations which yield slightly different references ranges). Also, ALWAYS check your units of measure - the units of measure that FOAMfrat uses may differ from lab to lab.
Do these reference ranges trump my protocols / guidelines?No. Always follow your local guidelines / protocols. We hope that these values are mostly in line with what you're already seeing, and simply ease the task for you.
What about the labs that do not have units of measure next to them?When you order your card you'll get an email they explains the reference card, and will include some information that is not included on the card face itself. FOAMfrat expects you to read this email and is not liable if you misinterpret any lab values due to not recognizing a unit of measure or understanding different lab reference range variabilities.
I heard some people say they got stickers...True. We do throw in a FOAMfrat sticker with your Lab Card(s).
How long does it take to arrive?You should receive your card(s) in 2-5 business days.
What are the hemodynamic values based on?The hemodynamic values on the card are based on standard values and references ranges. However, check with your institution, as there is bound to be some variability .
Do these reference ranges trump my protocols / guidelines?No. Always follow your local guidelines / protocols. We hope that these values are mostly in line with what you're already seeing, and simply ease the task for you.
I heard some people say they got stickers...True. We do throw in a FOAMfrat sticker with your Hemodynamics Card(s).
How long does it take to arrive?You should receive your card(s) in 2-5 business days.
Do these reference ranges trump my protocols / guidelines?No. Always follow your local guidelines / protocols. We hope that these values are mostly in line with what you're already seeing, and simply ease the task for you.
Do the ECG rhythms always look exactly like this?Just like textbook ECG examples that are very clean and clearest hey'll likely look a little more distorted on a monitor. However, knowing the typical appearance is certainly helpful!
I heard some people say they got stickers...True. We do throw in a FOAMfrat sticker with your ETCO2 Card(s).